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Non-invasive prenatal test for genetic anomalies VISION


Prenatal test "Vision" is a new generation screening DNA test that identifies the presence of genetic anomalies in the fetus at an early stage and with no risk of complications for you and the baby. The test may be performed at the earliest at the tenth week of pregnancy. With the help of the "Vision" test the specialists from the "St. Dimitar "measure the woman's circulatory DNA in her pregnancy to identify diseases such as Down Syndrome, Edward Syndrome, Patau Syndrome at a very early stage of your pregnancy. Through this test, doctors from the clinic have the ability to capture the number of chromosomal abnormalities, the so-called trisomes, on the 21st, 18th and 13th chromosomes. These conditions are a prerequisite for Down Syndrome - trisomy 21, Edwards syndrome - trisomy 18, and Patua syndrome - trisomy 13. With the Vision test, doctors from the clinic have the ability to detect possible chromosomal defects associated with X and Y chromosomes and more easily detect the presence of some of the most common gender chromosome defects, such as Turner Syndrome (monosomy X), Kleinfelt syndrome (XXY), Jacobs Syndrome (XYY). The specialists from the "St. Dimitar "are convinced that besides its screening characteristics," Vision "can also define the sex of the baby at an extremely early stage of pregnancy. It can also capture micro-deis - anomalies where chromosome loss of genetic material is available. Using this test, doctors do genetic testing recommended by major world health institutions, but only with clear indications of risk. The "Vision" test is performed by screening for genetic abnormalities using only a simple blood test. Clinic specialists send your sample to your laboratory for analysis, and the results are obtained from your pregnancy specialist within 3-5 business days of receiving the sample in the lab. Your healthcare professional from the "St. Dimitar "will be the responsible person who will explain the test results in detail and will discuss the next steps if necessary. With the utmost precision and accuracy, Vision identifies genetic anomalies with zero risk of complications for you or the fetus. It is intended for pregnant women who, in the opinion of your current doctor, have a high risk of fetal aneuploidy. In the opinion of obstetricians-gynecologists at the "St. Dimitar "Vision test is suitable for pregnant women who: are over 35 years of age at birth; have abnormal positive results from the serum test; whose ultrasound has recorded problems in the growth and development of the fetus; have a family history of chromosomal aneuploidy; want to get more detailed genetic information about their baby. The reasons why the specialists from the St. St. Dimitar recommend the "Vision" test, is that it does not carry the risk of further complications of pregnancy or eventual loss of the fetus, allows diagnosis at a very early stage of pregnancy and, if positive, covers the costs of the diagnostic invasive procedure amniocentesis. Doctors from the clinic assure that the benefits of Vision include: Minimum probability of false results - 0.1%; Samples are processed in London - the European anch of one of the world's most prestigious prenatal diagnostic laboratories; "Vision" uses more than 19,000,000 sample sequences - much more than other non-invasive prenatal tests; provides greater accuracy in low fetal fractions; uses the technology - mass parallel sequencing - the most comprehensive method and powerful tool for genome analysis. The standard and quality of Vision are proven over time by successfully meeting European Union quality standards for the analytical method used. In this way, the test proves its effectiveness and is fully in line with the EU Invitational Diagnostic Directive.